Vår historie
Som underleverandør til tekstil- og konfeksjonsindustrien holdt vi fokus på kjerneverdiene våre, og vi satset på å bli en stor leverandør av sikkerhetsløsninger til klesindustrien. Etter 40 år ble Sto-Nor til LOXY, og ble til en global virksomhet med en salgsorganisasjon over hele verden og produksjonsanlegg i Norge, Sverige, Polen og Kina.
Sto-Nor Industri AS was founded by Loyd Nordli as a small operation based in Halden, Norway.

Cutting our first reflective tape in Vestveien 3, Halden

The founder of Sto-Nor Industri, Loyd Nordli, presents trouser pockets, products which started the Loxy adventure.

Moving to Sørlifeltet with larger facilities, outside Halden

Cooperation with Helly Hansen on development and production of seamsealing tape for the garment industry FOTO: Gjøsund, Trine / Moss by- og industrimuseum

Founding of Sto-Nor Polska SP. Zo.o. with sales office and production in Wroclaw, Poland

Establishment and opening of Sto-Nor Hong Kong

Moving production and office of Sto-Nor Polska to Gdansk
1970Sto-Nor Polymer Film Ab established with productionline of seamsealing tapes and technical films.
1970Production and distribution of reflective plots and logos starts in Halden

Opening sales office and production Sto-Nor, Shanghai, China

Sto-Nor Polska: Production of piping, webbing, reflective garments and transfer logos moves to larger units in Rumia

Rebranding campaign by introducing “LOXY by Sto-Nor” and establishing Sto-Nor Group

Establishing LOXY US Inc. and opening office in Mississippi

Sto-Nor Industri changes the company name into LOXY

Establishing LOXY Germany GmbH as a sales office in Krefeld

LOXY Sweden AB moves to Kumla (Örebro) to Ericsson’s premises

Opening of sales office and showroom in Bavaria district in Germany

Bråtens becomes a part of the LOXY Group

Loxy Sweden AB expands in Kumla by doubling its capacity and starting with clean production

Våre logoer gjennom årene