LOXY® REX 20301 has superior retroreflective properties and offers benefits unmatched by other reflective tapes. This range of reflective material excels in being able to withstand repeated industrial washing, making it ideal for heavy duty workwear and intense outdoor gear. For superior quality, performance and long-lasting durability that outshines the competition, choose LOXY® REX reflective materials.
LOXY® REX 20301 is also GRS certified, which ensures that recycled products are processed in a more climate-friendly way.
Key advantages
Method of Application:
Sew-On, please find corresponding section in “LOXY® Product Guide” for further instructions.
Handing and storage
In general, store reflective tapes in cool and dry places. Please see “LOXY® Product Guide”. Proper inventory control will ensure that your tape maintains optimal shelf life (up to 2 years).
Recommended care instructions
General washing advice according to “LOXY® Product Guide”, domestic washing. Also applicable for industrial approach, gentle treatment.