Loxy Stories

No detail must fail

In a burning building, firefighters face the risk of sudden collapse.They learn to understand buildings and watch for extreme heat and collapse dangers.

Wood houses burn in more predictable ways, but steel buildings can unexpectedly melt and collapse under high heat.

Facing these dangers needs huge trust: in your team and their teamwork, and in your equipment, every part of it.

Equipped to survive

800 degrees centigrade is a normal temperature for fires. Close to the floor in a building on fire it can be considerably cooler, around 50 or 60 degrees. To handle such temperatures, firefighter gear must live up to strict standards for heat resistance, limited flame spread and low heat transfer. All reflective materials must be individually tested for flame spreading and heat resistance, where requirements must be met for ignition, melting, hole formation, dripping and shrinkage. Reflective materials are also tested to ensure that they meet visibility standards after exposure to the harsh testing conditions. 

LOXY Rex flame retardant

LOXY reflective tapes are made to fulfill the most demanding requirements in any situation. Our flame retardant reflective tapes range from extremely durable sew-on tapes and trim tapes with increased visibility to innovative elastic transfer tapes. 

Details that make a difference

Never risk your customers’ lives for minimal savings. LOXY details in your garments come with a quality system built in – reliability guaranteed. 

We add value in textile products

Put your trust in us

No chain is stronger than its weakest link. When you need your customers to trust your products in the most extreme circumstances, you need to ensure that all the components live up to your promise. 

When you use LOXY tapes and details in your products, all of our knowledge, experience and systematic quality control come built in. Making sure each detail lives up to the highest standards.

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