Safety and visibility by Loxy AS during Ladies Tour of Norway

Loxy adds value in textile products, improves safety and combine daylight and night visibility and has been a long-time partner for this cycling event in Norway.
– Companies like Loxy are important for this cycling event. There is great interest among many companies, and many volunteers want to help, – says Roy Moberg, manager of Ladies Tour of Norway. – Being able to hand out 300 reflective vests from Loxy to our volunteers is important and increases safety and visibility along the road.

Champions League in Football

Roy Moberg further says that there are many women in Norway who have an interest in cycling, but that there were almost no competitions or cycling events for women. He and other cycling enthusiasts started a cycling race for women in 2014. From that time, women could also compete internationally.

– There were no races or international competition for women in Norway and we wanted to do something about this. –  Today, Ladies Tour of Norway is part of the world race “Women’s World Tour” and cyclists from all over the world participate in this race. With a twinkle in his eye, Roy says that this world race can almost be compared to football’s Champions League.

Prestigious world tour comes to Halden

With a certain pride, Roy says that most of the foreign women cyclists who come to Halden actually come straight from the Olympics in Tokyo this year. – It is a great prestige to participate in this race, and it makes me proud as a “Haldenser” that the Ladies Tour of Norway both starts and ends in Halden, says Roy.
The tour is broadcasted on TV worldwide to more than 500 million households. – The interest abroad is of course greater than it is in Norway since we are a winter country -, Roy smiles, – but also here in Norway the interest in cycling and races increases.

The cyclists are coming from all over the world, such as Brazil, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Venezuela, Columbia and many European countries, and we have strict infection control measures here at the race. – We’ve learned a lot through the pandemic year and have made every effort for athletes and support staff to feel safe during this event, concludes Roy Moberg.

(Ulrike Gjermundsen, Head of Marketing at Loxy)